Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Outside Observations

This past Friday and Monday students were given the opportunity to get outside of the classroom and observe teachers practicing instructional strategies and classroom management in their own classrooms. Students spent one manic period observing a freshman level course.
            Students arrived before the bell rang and acted as a silent observer, a process that is often done by an administrator when evaluating teachers. Students completed a Teacher Observation form and Behavior Management Checklist while in the classroom.
     This experience outside of the class helped student’s synthesis what we have been learning by providing them the opportunity to:
·         Explain ways to make the physical environment safe and conductive for learning.
·         Evaluate multiple teaching methods.  
·         Explain various instructional models.
·         Explain evidence that participants’ understanding of the topic advanced
·         Explain appropriateness of instructional models in terms of context and learner results.
·         Explain the importance of monitoring student understanding, giving feedback and adjusting instruction as needed.

Thank you to the many teachers at GEHS who opened their rooms to our students!

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