Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Instructional Strategies

Students experienced a blast from the past the last three days by observing Instructional Strategies USD 231 produced from 2007-2009. Our Exploring Teaching course was able to take advantage of district provided teacher resources by watching instructional strategies performed by teachers.

Each instructional strategy video featured the name of the strategy, how it works/what it is used for, steps to carry out the strategy, film of the teacher using the strategy and variations/ideas for using the strategy in another subject or different way. We watched 30 instructional strategy clips, discussed the benefits and disadvantages of each and how student can implement them in their own classroom.
Students will be utilizing an instructional strategy of their choice to teach our class lesson and film their own instructional strategy video using a camcorder, IPad, or cell phone on either Friday or Monday.
Strategies we viewed:
1.      Alphabet Summary
2.      Answer or Opinion
3.      Backwards Summary
4.      Basketball
5.      Carousel Brainstorm
6.      Four corners
7.      Give Me 5
8.      Inner-Outer Circles
9.      Issues-Values Continuum
10.  Knock Out
11.  KWL Vignette
12.  Last Person Standing
13.  Line Up
14.  Luck of the Draw
15.  Make an Appointment
16.  Mix and Match
17.  One word summaries
18.  Pair Teaching
19.  Partners A and B
20.  Pyramid Show
21.  Save the Last word for me
22.  Sequence
23.  Summary Ball
24.  Take a Stand
25.  Teams Game Tournaments
26.  Think, pair, share
27.  3-2-1
28.  Ticket to Leave
29.  True False Unknown
30.  Who and What am  

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