Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Modifications and Adaptations

Today in Exploring Teaching we discussed Special Education, IEPs and teachers' responsibilities as educators. We began our lesson with a test I created with different modifications and adaptations. Students were each given a modified version of a test and told to complete the test with no assistance. This was a frustrating experience for many, and offered different feelings and results depending on how modified a test each student received. After completing the test, we discussed how modifications enable all students to be successful.

Students were able to read through a sample IEP and create an IEP snapshot that a teacher may use to help determine adjustments in instructional planning based on learner performance. Students also began brainstorming modified instructional strategies they will be able to incorporate into their Unit Plans which we will be working on the until Thanksgiving break.

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