Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

National Bullying Prevention Month Positivity Campaign

Today Exploring Teaching kicked off “National Bullying Prevention Month” by discussing school safety and ways to incorporate bullying prevention in the classroom.
            We began by using “Poll Everywhere” a free online polling website that allows students to anonymously text in answers to questions and will create a woordle, web box, chart of graph with students answers.
            We discussed instructional strategies students can use in their future classrooms as well as practices they can use in their everyday life to stop and prevent bullying.

            Our class will be participating in a compliment campaign this month. Students will write compliments to other students each day, creating a chain of positivity in our classroom community. Each student will be given their final completed chain on Halloween to take home. This instructional strategy will help create a positive learning environment and demonstrate how learning can take place over many days.
            Students are also encouraged to begin using social media positively. We have a bulletin board in our classroom and a twitter count students can tweet compliments at with the hashtag #kindness grows. This interactive opportunity models how students can incorporate social media into the classroom.

Our twitter campaign and bulletin board is based on “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and its tag line is “The Grinch may have a heart that is two sizes to small… Give a compliment to one and all… and watch his heart grow big and tall!”  Student's can give compliments 4 ways:
1. In person when they see someone showing kindness or doing anything worthy of praise
2. Writing a chain link for someone's compliment chain
3. Pinning a new heart to the Grinch with a compliment 
4. Tweeting out the compliment @exploringteachi #kindnessgrows
Stay tuned to see the impact out #kindnessgrows camping has during the month of October.

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