Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kindness is Growing

Exploring Teaching Students are joining in our Kindessgrows campaign. Sabryna Anderson is in the process of designing 301’s new door decoration, “A Box of Crayons” to prevent bullying.
Students are also using social media in a positive way! Check out some of our classes' tweets below:
Being a teacher in training is tough but so worth it! #kindnessgrows @ExploringTeachi
The Grinch's heart is two sizes too small, give a compliment to one and all and watch his heart grow big and tall! #kindnessgrows
I adore this class and I will miss having 1&2 block with all of them next semester! <3 @ExploringTeachi #kindnessgrows
@exploringteachi don't set goals, you can reach higher than that.  #kindnessgrows

Make sure to follow @exploringteachi and #kindnessgrows to participate in our anti-bulling campaign by making October a month of kindness.

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