Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Classroom Management

This week we are focusing on classroom management. Yesterday students began exploring how to organize a classrooms physical space to create a warm, well-run enviornment. Students created their “dream” classroom and gained practice making seating charts (see below).  
To further prepare students for their future classroom, students created a new Pin Board called “classroom ideas, my classrooms, or classroom design" (see below).  Pinterest is a great resource for students that allow them to see other teachers creative ideas they can adapt for themselves. It can also be accessed from anywhere and has unlimited storage capacity enabling students to access their ideas for years to come.

      Today we began discussing expectations for student behavior and how to establish behaviors in students to create an environment of respect. Students followed the guidelines outlined by Wong and Wong and were responsible for creating their very own set of classroom rules.


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