Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Thursday, October 3, 2013

"You're the Teacher" Theories

Today kicked off our 5th unit in Exploring Teaching: Educational Theories. This unit takes a different approach and requires students in the class to become the teacher.
Students were assigned to random groups based on their birthday and will be working together to create a develop a lesson plan, handout, activity, assessment strategy and then teach their 15 minute lesson to the class Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
            Student projects are over the following educational theorists:
·         Maria Montessori

·         Arnold Gesell

·         Lev Vygotsky

·         Benjamin Bloom

·         B.F. Skinner

·         Howard Gardner

·         John Dewey

·         Jean Piaget

·         Robert Coles

·         Erik Erikson

·         Albert Bandura

Groups were able to choose a theorist and began research and planning the lesson activities today. Students' also gained experience writing learning objectives and completing the USD 231 district lesson plan template for their lesson.

Stay tuned for pictures and highlights from our student taught lessons.

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