Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Parent Communication

This Thursday students perfected their “sandwiches.” The sandwich method is commonly used to deliver bad news, and involves stating a positive, the complaint/offense, offering a resolution or plan and then ending on a positive statement.

Groups constructed their own complement sandwiches addressing one of their students who did not follow a class rule. We had some very creative takes on a compliment sandwich (see below).

 Students continued working on their own class newsletter, syllabus, and welcome home letter that they will save in their portfolio and can possibly use in their own classroom one day.

Students utilized Schoology, Pinterest, Publisher, Word and Powerpoint to complete each of these assignments. Some highlights were

· Composing text and information to be sent to “parents” in a professional matter

· Constructing a newsletter using a template on Publisher

· Designing documents to fit their individual tastes and design wants

· Mastering how to format pictures within text

· Adding boarders and design within a Word document

· Adapting sample documents to reflect individual classrooms and teaching styles

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