Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Friday, September 5, 2014

Meet the Interns Part 2

Ms. Jacklyn

After GEHS Ms. Jacklyn plans on going to Johnson County Community College and then Emporia or KU. She wants to teach second grade, but after my first day with Mrs. Barth in my internship she thinks she might want to switch to teaching younger children possibly.

Jacklyn is interning with Mrs. Barth at Madison Elementary, 3-5 year olds.

·         Favorite Time of the Day:  The night time is my favorite time of day.

·         Favorite Color: My favorite color is Purple.

·         Favorite TV Show: My favorite TV show is charmed.

·         Favorite Movie:  My favorite movie is Twilight.

·         Favorite Animal: My favorite animal is a horse.

·         Favorite Thing to do on the weekend:  Last but not least my favorite thing to do on a weekend is sleep in and spend time with loved ones.


Ms. Casey

Ms. Casey  is planning on going to JCCC. She hopes to become a 1st grade teacher and will be interning with Mrs. Simmons

·         Favorite Time of the Day:  The night time is my favorite.

·         Favorite Color: Purple or Blue

·         Favorite TV Show: Greys Anatomy

·         Favorite Movie: When in Rome or Letters to Juliet

·         Favorite Animal: monkey

·         Favorite Thing to do on the weekend:  my favorite thing to do on the weekends is to watch Netflix and lay in bed.


Ms. Sam

Ms. Sam plans to attend JCCC then Emporia or Fort Hays. She hopes to teach High School or maybe College and is  interning with Mr. Watchous

·         Favorite Time of the Day: Is twilight

·         Favorite Color: Purple or Blue

·         Favorite TV Show: Doctor Who, 4400, Sherlock

·         Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Day after Tomorrow

·         Favorite Animal: cats and dogs

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