Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ice Breakers

Objective: “Establish a positive climate to promote learning”
Over the first two weeks of school each student designed an “ice breaker” activity and taught the activity to the class. We did these activities to help meet our learning objectives:

· Establish a positive climate to promote learning. (KPES 5) (Domain 2.2a) 15.1
  · Establish respect and rapport to foster positive social and intellectual interactions.  

Some of the activities we did include:

· Year of the Coin, the Shoe Game, Brown Bag activity, Adjective Game, Dice Game, I Have Never. . .,  Human Scavenger Hunt, Telephone Name Game, Snowball Fight, What Would You Bring to the Picnic, Down by the Bank, Would You Rather, Freeze, Remember Me?, Red Rover, Deserted Island, Spider Web, Alphabetical Name Game

Exploring Teaching will hopefully allow students many opportunities to develop respect and promote learning in a variety of ways.

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