Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Exploring Teaching Class Picture

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas and Goodbye

Today marked the last day in Exploring Teaching. We began the hour with our ornament swap and Secret Santa reveal. Students created ornaments either for themselves of their secret Santa yesterday in Exploring Teaching and got to give them to each other today. This was a fun craft project and helped students learn about managing materials, maintaining a safe environment, and incorporating holidays, arts and creativity into a classroom.
Students with their ornaments
Sadie Long and Lori Wilson presented an interesting Christmas activity today; where students were required to complete Christmas movements. Tyler was the winner, doing a fantastic impression of a snowflake falling, reindeer prancing, and twisting like a candy cane. Cassie, Madison and Jordan had students create party hats to ring in the New Year and students reflected on their favorite quote, project or memory in Exploring Teaching.
This has been a wonderful semester and I am excited to see what Teaching Internship and the future brings for everyone.

Exploring Teaching Last Class Picture

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